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Budget and Finance Committee (BFC)

The purpose of the Budget and Finance Committee is to ensure that proper oversight is given to the finances

of the Synod in regards to current and future budgets and investments. 


The Budget and Finance Committee shall: 


  • Propose the budget to the Synod and administer the budget as adopted.  Recommend to Synod a budget for adoption at the Stated Meeting. 

  • Monitor the budget expenditures during each fiscal year in light of income and shortfall and recommend to EAC any changes necessary during the year.

  • Provide for the review of the annual Audit.  Provide for outside auditing of the Synod’s books and receive/review the audits of the books of all Synod agencies and manage the Synod budget, finances and auditing. 

  • Serve as the investment committee of the Synod


Review annually the Synod’s Investment Policy (Addendum B) 

Oversee and monitor the investments of all assets in the Synod’s portfolio 

Make recommendations for any changes to the EAC. 


  • Oversee the reserve funds of the Synod and the allocation of these funds.

  • Oversee the Volunteer Treasurer of Synod.

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