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The Synod of South Atlantic partners and serves with Presbyterian and friends in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.


Resourcing Presbyteries:

The Synod of South Atlantic is responsible for administering grant programs to assist presbyteries, congregations, and institutions. Additional responsibilities/resources include:

 Presbyterian Women’s Ministry | Presbyterian Men’s Ministry | Associations of Smaller Congregations | Rural Ministry Network | National Health Ministries | Office of the General Assembly | FLAPDAN


Per Capita (2023 $1.50) Support
Provides Funding for:

 Administrative operations | Permanent Judicial Commission | Synod Meetings | Communications

Mission Support Provides Funding for:

Presbytery Leader Forum and Formation | African American Ministries | Korean Ministries |

Hispanic Ministries | Association of Smaller Congregations | Special Grants


Educational Institutions within Synod Bounds:

Agnes Scott College | Columbia Theological Seminary | Eckerd College | Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary | Presbyterian College | Thornwell

Image by Josh Campbell

Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center | Calvin Center | Montgomery Center 

Cedarkirk Camp & Conference | Dogwood Acres | Fellowship Camp and Conference Center

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