Administration and Relationships Committee (ARC)
The purpose of the Administration and Relationships Committee is to assist all administrative procedures and provide a connectional relationship between the Synod, Presbytery, General Assembly, and Covenant Institutions.
The Administration and Relationships Committee shall:
Assist the Synod Stated Clerk to conduct the annual review of the minutes of presbyteries.
Assist communications of the Synod to its constituencies and the public.
Assist and represent Synod in the work and meeting of clusters of presbyteries within the Synod.
Coordinate relationships with other denominations and ecumenical bodies within the bounds of the Synod.
Designate any ecumenical guests to the Stated Meeting of the Synod and representatives of this Synod to ecumenical bodies and denominations.
Facilitate communication, consultation and coordination between all Councils, functioning as the link for mission partnership.
Screen and recommend to the General Assembly applicants for grants from Restricted Funds from General Assembly.
Maintain the on-going, covenantal relationships of the Synod with its institutions:
Agnes Scott College
Columbia Theological Seminary
Eckerd College
Florida Presbyterian Homes
Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary
Presbyterian College
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia
Villa International-Atlanta
Westminster Communities of Florida
Review each covenant every fourth year, negotiating any revisions and approving renewal of the revised covenants on behalf of the Synod.
Advise Synod’s institutions regarding scheduling and strategies for active financial campaigns within the Synod.
Support any administrative task as necessary.
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