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When the Synod of South Atlantic meets, it shall consist of the commissioners elected from its constituent presbyteries.  Each presbytery shall elect two commissioners: one Minister of the Word and Sacrament and one Ruling Elder, giving consideration to the issue of representation and inclusiveness as required by the Book of Order


Commissioners shall be elected by each presbytery and their names, and contact information reported to the Stated Clerk of the Synod by November 1st of the year prior to the year in which their term of service will begin. 


Commissioners to Synod shall serve terms of two (2) years, with presbyteries electing commissioners on a rotating schedule every two years.  Commissioners may be re-elected to full or partial terms, but are limited to no more than six (6) consecutive years of service. 


Commissioner’s terms will begin on January 1st after election by their respective Presbyteries unless elected by a presbytery to fill a vacancy, when service begins upon election and is for the remainder of the unexpired term. Outgoing commissioner terms end when the newly elected commissioner terms begin. 


In the event that a commissioner from a presbytery is unable to fulfill his or her term as a Synod Commissioner, the Stated Clerk of the Synod shall notify the Stated Clerk of the commissioner’s presbytery and shall ask the presbytery to select another commissioner to fill the unexpired term.  

Synod of South Atlantic

1937 University Blvd. W. | Jacksonville, Florida 32217

Valerie Young, Synod Executive & Stated Clerk

904-356-6070 office  |  904-356-0051 fax  |


© 2023 Synod of South Atlantic. All Rights Reserved.

Web design by the Communications Services Plan of the Synod of the Sun

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