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The Coordinators on the Coordinating Committee provide a place for the entities of the Synod to share and align their work so that all may be empowered for their purposes and further the journey of the Synod.

The Coordinating Committee shall:


a. Share information about the work of committees of the Synod to encourage coordination across entities.

b. Make recommendations to the Synod to support missional alignment across its entities.

c. Annually assess the Synod’s work towards its common journey, making recommendations to the Synod as necessary to encourage continued development of common language and deepened purpose.

d. Plan meetings of the Synod, including calling special meetings as appropriate.

e. On behalf of the Synod, provide for the assessment and supervision of Synod staff and other related responsibilities specified in this Manual.

Synod of South Atlantic

1937 University Blvd. W. | Jacksonville, Florida 32217

Valerie Young, Synod Executive & Stated Clerk

904-356-6070 office  |  904-356-0051 fax  |


© 2023 Synod of South Atlantic. All Rights Reserved.

Web design by the Communications Services Plan of the Synod of the Sun

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